Conceived by Linda Bouchard, Gathering is a multimedia performance for two improvisers who create a projected visual live score in real time on one screen. Their improvisation is accompanied by short movies and live video on a second screen and fixed sound files of processed temple bowls.
Gathering was premiered on February 25, 2020 in Stockton California, a few days before the Covid19 lockdown. It was a prescient timing: Gathering is about the importance of belonging to a community and to gather together, to take care of one another, to celebrate together, to mourn, to play, to laugh, to dance, to rollerblade in a park, to celebrate our urban environments.
This online screening is presented in collaboration with Hello World, an international project where artists throughout the world have submitted artworks to share with audiences around the world. Hello World is created as a gesture of goodwill and solidarity from artistic colleagues around the globe. Check out their site for more great content from international artists, On June 20th, 2020, the project’s launch date, Hello World will broadcast the project to the entire global community (through Hello World and the hundreds of participating venues’ websites).
Performed by Kyle Bruckmann oboe doubling on English horn and Jacob Felix Heule on percussion, the video montage was created from the premiere at the X_Space William Knox Holt Memorial Library, University of the Pacific in Stockton California and footage from the dress rehearsal at the MilkBar, Richmond California. This work is part of a research and composition project called “Live Structures” with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
The tool used to create the real-time score is called “Ocular Scores” and was developed in collaboration with Joseph Browne, designer during an artist residency at Matralab, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada.
Video montage from the premiere at the University of the Pacific on February 25, 2020, and the dress rehearsal at the MilkBar on February 24th, 2020. This is A Live Structures Project, supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.