November Godwaffle Noise Pancakes returns with ear carousel campaigns into transforming a regular Saturday mornin’ with animated audios.
-Anti Matter
-Tom Djll
-Zachary James Watkins
-Famous Techno
-Cut (from N CA.)
20+ years and still going! The origins of Godwaffle Noise Pancakes happened back in the early days of Pubis Noir Club at Mission & 16th St late 1999, moved to ArtSF, Adobe Books, The Lab, Noisebridge, & other venues/other towns. The local Mission underground music, experimental types were coming out in the morning to enjoy strange sounds instead of watching Saturday morning cartoons. A low cost high impact ear toasting & dripping into the sound batter to bring out some of the best in experimental speedboat rides through the river Styx. Free gourmet vegan pancakes with admission.
Saturday, November 11, 2023 — 12:00 PM
Buy Tickets Online